If you’re eating these 6 Foods even the top deodorant brands can’t help!

Have you searched the internet for solutions to cure body odor? Your family and friends too have definitely said that you should drink lots of water, exercise, avoid stress, nervousness and do all the other shenanigans! Well hello, even if you’ve bathed yourself in the “top 10 deodorants for men” that promise of 24-hour effect isn’t going to help. Maybe it’s time to blame your diet! Yes, it may be a hard to digest fact, but not as much as those “hard-to-digest-odor-creating foods”. In fact, you’ll be amazed at how different factors affect your health, the way you feel and how others perceive you!

Firstly, why does food affect the way you smell?
Certain foods you eat have elements that dramatically increase the activity of your sweat glands. When the bacteria on the skin of your armpits comes in contact with your sweat and feeds on it, that oh so awful stench is emitted. So if you’re eating wrong, you’re feeding the bacteria right.

Hold your breath (Literally) because some of these notorious foods on the list will surprise you. Read on to know what foods to avoid if you want to smell good.

1. Red meat: Red meat might feel great when you slice in that juicy steak, but it definitely won’t make you smell good. Being hard to digest, it leaves a residue that gets secreted through sweat. This mixes with the bacteria to create an odor.

2. Alcohol: If you drink like a fish, you’ll definitely stink like a fish! (Talking of fish, find it at No.4) Alcohol leaves a residue of acetic acid which gets secreted through all your body pores. Hence, alcohol consumption can fuel your body odor problems.

3. Veggies like broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts & cauliflower: When your gym instructor says you need to eat right, his / her focus is on dietary foods and supplements that will help build body mass. But surprisingly, even such fitness foods can make you stink. Due to being rich in potassium and antioxidants broccoli, cabbage and the others of the same kind contain sulfur which by nature has a bad smell. 
This means you can expect not just odor from sweating, but also from your breath and post-digestion gas releasing activities.

4. Fish: So if people think you smell fishy, it’s because you’re having too much fish! Fish has choline, which gives it a fish-like odor. Some people can’t metabolize fish well and excreate a compound called ‘trimethylaminuria’. Excretion of this is supposedly a genetic disorder. So check your family tree.

5. Spicy foods: Some researches have claimingly linked the choice of spicy foods as a sign of smart people. But having too much spice can’t be that smart an idea. Foods like garlic & onions contain sulfur. Yes, we’re talking about that same nasty component we’ve mentioned in Point 3 Spicy foods can set your digestive & blood system into an overdrive leaving you with bad breath and body odor.

6. Junk foods: They are high on everything harmful to your body, mind and well being. Plus, they lack chlorophyll, an important component that enhances your body’s natural ability to smell good.

What goes in affects every atom of your body. So avoid these 6 foods before any date night or big occasion.

But be realistic, don’t expect girls to get magically pulled towards you. Those are possibly exaggerations. Just play it cool, smell good,  feel confident and win hearts.

If you’ve tried all the top deodorant brands in India and nothing excites you, have no worries.

Try on some exciting fragrance from the unique range of deodorants, perfumes and attars on Lyla Blanc. Visit: www.lylablanc.com
